Tuesday 30 March 2021

Sports focus group

 Sports focus group

Hello, today me, Abdullah, Ros-Alan, Frank, Arial, Erana, Koleka, Valerie, Daiki, Brax, and a few others    were lucky enough to be in a sports focus group. For this activity we went to the staff room and met up with people from Sports Auckland. We were given seven sticky notes and a pen. we were told that there was no right and wrong answer. They asked us some questions about what we liked about what we do for PE. We write the answers down on the sticky notes. After they finished asking questions we voted on what we like but our heads were down.  


Friday 26 March 2021

picasso self portrait

 Picasso self portrait

We made Picasso self portrait for our work. You are most likely wondering what is so special about Picasso, well to use his proper name Pablo Picasso. Pablo Picasso was no ordinary artist, he would make them look weird by changing the shape of them. He would also use a range of colours for his painting. If you saw the paintings he created , you would would say wow. He is a famous artist. Here is mine.         

Friday 12 March 2021



Hello, last week there was a tsunami warning. Luckily I was in Auckland and in Auckland it was safe but my mum got the warning for some reason. I worried about it alot but my mum told me we were safe. No thanks to my bigger brothers that would scare me, by saying things like there was going to be a big tsunami. Even after about three days I was scared because no one told me it had passed.

When some one told me that the tsunami had passed I was relieved because for the past three days I was worrying. I still worried about a earthquake coming and collapsing my house luckily that hasn't happened, yet.   

In class we brainstormed what you might need in an emergency pack

Phone to call for help, charger/battery pack, water, food(non-perishable), first aid kit, entertainment/ cards, book, travel board games, torch, blankets, sunscreen, radio to listen for emergency broadcasts, toilet paper, insect repellent, umbrela. 


Monday 8 March 2021



Lockdown 4

 Hello blogger, Last week we had a full week lockdown due to covid-19. While we were in lock down it was scary because of the tsunami warning. Other then the tsunami warning lockdown was pretty fun. My favorite subject was maths because it was sort of challenging, I also liked it because I just like maths better then all subjects.

My favorite family activity was playing Junta ( the j sounds like a h), poker and wings of glory. They were my favorite because I got to spend time with my family.  I feel happy to be back at school because I get to talk to my friends. Also I am happy to be back at school because there is less things to distract me from my work. Blog you later.