Wednesday 9 December 2020




Hello bloggers, this week we had a mindfulness session. It was calming and fun, what we did first was we had to get into a circle and hold hands. Once we were in a circle our mindfulness teacher put a hula hoop one her arm. The goal was to get the hula hoop to the end of the circle, the only way to do that was to go through the hula hoop. After we did that we went back to our mat. Then did some stretches like down dog, cobra, table pose, child pose and butterfly pose. 

When that was finished we buddied up, the person I buddy up with Nicholas. We had to sit opposite each other. Then we put our feet together and we balanced. After that we put our backs together and said what we felt. then we went back to our mats. Then we had to lie down after lying down for a bit the session ended. Blog you later.


Thursday 3 December 2020

Making Art

Hello bloggers I made some art. It is based off an original painting. It was hard to make but I tried really hard to make it look like the original painting.The website I used is called art coloring book. The reason I did this/the whole senior syndicate was because we did a task from the summer learning journey.  Can you guess which one is the original painting? Blog you latter. #SLJ 2020

                       Which one?

option 1


                                                                                                                             option 2



Friday 27 November 2020

Bike skills


Bike Skills

Have you ever rode a bike before? I had never ridden a bike until Tuesday because that was the day I learnt to ride a bike. Yes yes I know you are wondering "You didn't know how to ride a bike!" It was really fun except for when I fell over the first time on the concrete. After that fall my teacher helped me to learn how to ride a bike on the grass, so if I fall over it won't hurt me.

After some time I learnt to push myself off. After practising pushing off I could stay on my bike for a while, but I fell off some times. One time I ran into a pole. When it was near the end I joined my group again and we did some practises. At the end both the groups joined each other and we played a game. That was the end of that sesion and that was also the last one. It was fun, blog you later.

Thursday 12 November 2020

The production


                               The production

Hello blogger, I'm back again and last week we did the production, you probably don't know what it is. Well then I will tell you, the production is a show we put on every two years, every student has a part to play. Whether it is the dance or a character in the show, I was a character in the play. If you are wondering what I was I was a camel, an annoying camel to be exact. The show was called Jasmine and Aladdin instead of  Aladdin which is a movie.

 There  are many characters like Aladdin, Jasmen, Camels x2 ( but I had to do it myself because the other camel didn't show up to any of the shows),  Apple peddler, Silk peddler, Rug peddler, Inscens peddler/ perfume seller and many more. We did four of the same show. I always was nervous at the beginning and at the middle, but at the end I always felt relieved at the end. It was at Waikowhai Intermediate School so we had to walk there on Friday because it was during the day. The shows were on Wednesday X2, Thursday and Friday. See you later.   

Friday 30 October 2020

Wonder project: Final flight

Wonder Project: Final Flight

Hi everybody I'm back, we participated in the Wonder Project. The Wonder Project is where you build a rocket, testflight your rocket, improve your rocket and then you do the final flight. The final flight is when you do the last flight, hence the name final flight. We did all those things and got up to the final flight. There were four jobs; chief scientist, chief engineer, chief safety officer and team captain. I was chief engineer. Our team name was Super Thinkers. Our rocket name was the S.T.Shark rocket or S.T.S.R for short. When it was our turn we filled our rocket with 250ml of water and our air pressure was 60 psi. We launched the rocket at 45 degrees, it travelled 26.09 meters. When our rocket blasted off all our fins broke off the rocket.


Friday 16 October 2020

Film festival

 Hello blogs. on wednesday we went to the cinemas to watch the movies that my and other schools made. we watched it at saint luke cinemas. here is my movie.                                                                 

Here is the link to more of my school's movies
here is the link to all of the movies

Friday 11 September 2020


 Hello bloggers. This week we had our first basketball sesion our coaches were Mikey and Ronan. Before we started basketball we played line tag which was fun. After we played line tag we did some dribbling tricks it was hard sometimes and sometimes easy. 

After we got into pairs and did some passing it was fun and hard a lot of times I couldn't catch it because you had to use one hand to catch. Then we used our skills in a game sort of we played and we got five numbers for five skills. After that we played a real game. Were you had to protect the ball from someone. Goodbye and blog you later.