Friday, 20 March 2020

Cameron Pools.

                  Cameron Pools   

Hi bloggers I'm back with a new blog post about Carmen Pools. We have been there recently. We used life jackets we needed to huddle to keep warm. Then we made a train. Then we dived of a boat! "I did a backflip". Here are some photos.    


  1. Hi Marcus, thanks for sharing your learning through your explanation and photographs. Can you remember what made the life jackets effective when they became wet?
    I'm looking forward to seeing your posts about learning from home, while we are in lock down. Remember to check out your class site for learning tasks.

  2. Heya Marcus, I would love to see what you have been up to during lockdown with your family. Put a blog post up and have a look at the other students as well. There are heaps of cool things happening in peoples homes. Stay safe Kia atawhai kia kaha

  3. Hi Marcus, you learned some great survival skills during your swimming lessons at Cameron Pools. As Ms Sands has mentioned, it would be great to read abut what you've been doing since the lockdown began. I hope you and your brothers are also helping around the house.


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